IMMUNOGUARDS: magic bullets of our body

In furtherance of the vision and mission of 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, 沙巴体育 College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, conducted its Continuing Professional development program titled “Immunoguards: Magic Bullets of our Body” on 12th August 2015 at MCODS, Attavar. The program aimed to familiarize the basic concepts of immunology to postgraduate students and interns alike in a comprehensive and simplified manner. The function was presided over by Dr. Nirmala Rao, Dean, 沙巴体育 College of Dental Sciences, 沙巴体育.

August 18, 2015

Our skillful resource persons were chosen for their prowess in their respective fields. Dr. Shrikala Baliga (Professor and Head, Dept. of Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore) decoded the Basics of Immunology and the defense system of our body. This was followed by a very enthralling lecture by Dr Mahesh CP (Professor and Head, Dept of Periodontics, NIMSDC, Jaipur) on Immunology of Periodontal Diseases, wherein he highlighted the role of each organism in pathogenesis of periodontal disease.?

Dr Narendra Kamath, leading consultant dermatologist in Mangalore, spoke about various skin-related immunological disorders and presented many interesting cases that he has treated. The programme culminated in a very informative slide seminar by Dr Urmila Khadilkar (Professor, Dept. of? Pathology, KMC, Mangalore) wherein she enlightened the audience on the immunopathology and immunofluorence patterns of various autoimmune and immune-mediated muco-cutaneous diseases.

Immunoguards was attended by nearly 120 delegates and was appreciated for the quality, content and organisation.?