An Operations Conclave on New Trends in Supply Chain Management
March 10, 2018

The operations club- OPNOTCH, School of Management organized SCOPE a conclave on the trending Supply chain management concepts on 10th March 2018, at Gangoobai Hangal Auditorium, 沙巴体育 Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, 沙巴体育.
The student and faculty crowd was inspired by the talk delivered by Dr. Narsimha Kamath, Director, o9 Solutions Bengaluru and a renowned Operations Management Consultant. His talk mirrored the future scope of supply chain and developments in logistics.
The event featured the scope of supply chain and the technological influence on the market structure in both retail and service sector. The paradigm shift of traditional carrier methods to use of the technology in delivering the better and affordable service to fulfill the needs of the customer. The purpose of technology is to provide a smarter solution for the evolution of innovative supply chain models.
Dr. Narsimha also addressed the various components of supply chain in different sectors such as government, steel, healthcare. The main purpose of the conclave to was bring the interest of operations into limelight. He also enlightened the crowd with the different career opportunities available in the market for students who have passion to perceive their career in Operations.
The conclave also felicitated the winners of various events conducted by the club.
The event was inaugurated by Dr. Narasimha Kamath. The Director of the School Dr. Raveendranath Nayak welcomed the gathering. Mr. Ruskinarxon Shah, President of OpNotch presented the overview of the events conducted during the year. Dr. Deepika Thiyagarajan, Joint Secretary introduced the guest. Dr. Yogesh Pai P is the faculty advisor of the Operations Club guided the students in organizing the conclave.