Faculty Development Program (SOM)
April 01, 2016

Faculty Development Program
A Faculty Development Program (FDP) entitled “ Effective teaching and learning through Moodle” was arranged on the Friday, 1 st April 2016 at the Computer laboratory, SOM.
Inaugurating the program, Dr.Raveendranath Nayak, Director spoke to the participants that as the Learning Management System (LMS), Moodle would be the central componenet in SOM’s learning and teaching initiatives. Therefore, it was important for all the faculty members to gain the skill set to use Moodle effectively. He emphasized, in particular, that many technology facilities in Moodle such as forums, online submission of assignment works, quizzes and web links are adding value to student learning and must be incorporated when developing course pages in Moodle. He also highlighted the need for designing and constructing the course pages independently by faculty members.
Dr. Pallavi Upadhyaya, Associate Professor, SOM was the Resource Person. She was ably assisted by Mr.Vishumoorthy Bhat and Ms.Bhagyashree.
The program was attended by the faculty members enthusistically. The paticipants found the hands-on workshop very useful.?