Finance Club Inauguration
July 21, 2016

"Finance is money and everyone loves money." To commemorate the establishment of the Finance Club in SOM, an inauguration was held on the 21st of July 2016.
Dr. Raveendranath Nayak Director of SOM, Dr. V.K Ranjith faculty member of SOM were the chief guest and chairperson for the inaugural. The very first president of the Finance club, Mr. Vatsal Kumar gave the welcome speech with a brief introduction on the plans and future activates of the finance club. The president spoke about the objectives and need for finance club in a postgraduate institute. He emphasized on importance of knowledge of finance to each person who deals with money. He further gave an outline of the future of the club that will include fun based activities to know various finance related aspects.
The Director of the institute, Dr. Raveendranath Nayak spoke about the role of finance club. He went on to give suggestions to finance team that can facilitate students to get trained in computer applications such as Macros and other application. Dr V.K Ranjith also emphasized the importance of finance club. He also spoke about the students’ fear of not taking finance and difficulty faced by non-commerce students in the MBA program that could be minimized with fun based activities. The Event Highlight was the activity “Bid the Battle” which was exclusively held for the student of finance club members. An event to bid for the best companies that made huge profits in the financial year. The activity was indeed enjoyed by all.?