February 25, 2019

The HR conclave was conducted by the HR club on 25th February, 2019. The keynote speaker for the day was Mr. Sathya Kumar, Chief strategist, Tycoonplus Advisors Pvt. Ltd. who is also the advisor to the PM of India in Skill India programme and is also the advisor to the finance minister, Mr. Arun Jaitley. The other invitee on the list was Dr Srikanth Rao, Director, MAHE, who graced the occasion as the chief guest of the day.
The function commenced with the national anthem followed by the welcome speech by Ms Rakshitha. The invocation song was sung by Mr. Sangam Gull which was followed by the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries, after which, Dr V. K. Ranjith, director-in-charge, welcomed the gathering. The president of the HR club, Ms Katha S. Naik gave the annual report of the club which included the overall activities conducted by the club in the current academic year. Ms Prateeksha introduced the keynote speaker, Mr Sathya Kumar and Ms Sharine Martis introduced the chief guest, Dr Srikanth Rao to the audience. The chief guest, Dr Srikanth Rao addressed the gathering and highlighted the importance of HR domain in the organisation and also praised the developments of the 沙巴体育 Institute of Management on the whole.
The keynote speaker of the day, Mr Sathya Kumar spoke at a length on the topic of the day ' Design thinking'. He initiated the talk by explaining the three major components of the model, the process and the technology being used to implement Design Thinking in HR. He also focussed on how design thinking has evolved over the years and spoke about the possible modifications in the existing model. He also emphasized on the values of Swami Vivekananda and his principles and how it has an impact in the way an individual focuses his thinking. The session saw high levels of enthusiasm and interaction, thus making it a successful one.