Industrial Visit by MBA (HR) Students to BASF India
December 08, 2015

Industrial Visit by MBA (HR) Students to BASF India
The MBA (HR) Students of the School of Management had an industrial visit to BASF India, and MCF, Mangalore on 8th December, 2015. The main objective behind the visit was to provide the students insight about working procedures of the company and to conduct a study on the prevailing labor issues in the concerned organizations.
BASF, the leading chemical company has been achieving economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. The students learned about the, uniform safety standards across the globe and the expertise of the company in chemistry. The students were given practical demonstrations of the practices in the effluent treatment and disposal of waste water.
MCF, Mangalore being the largest manufacturer of chemical fertilizers in India is committed to the employees and the society. It has been promoting and maintaining the health of the workers. The top priority is accorded to high safety standard.
It is rightly said “See & Know” is always better than “Read & Learn”. Students got a feel of practical working of the industry during this visit and were able to apply the theoretical knowledge to practical applications.