August 16, 2018

“We keep moving forward, opening NEW doors & doing NEW things because
we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”.
The Inauguration of Healthcare Management club of School of Management was held on August 16, 2018 at 4:00 PM at SOM.
The club was inaugurated by Mr. Jibu Thomas, Senior Manager- Operations, Kasturba Hospital, 沙巴体育, by lighting a lamp which signifies knowledge and is a sign of prosperity followed by the Inaugural address by the Chief guest. The chief guest emphasized on the importance of innovative practices in hospital administration and management. Mr. Jibu Thomas briefed about the challeges that has to be addressed in hospital operations. He encouraged the club members to organize many more activities that enhances the skills and knowledge among students.
Dr. V K Ranjith, Professor & MBA Program Coordinator had delivered the presidential remarks stating the importance of the Healthcare Management Program and aspects of the application of the same in the ever changing ever growing global healthcare market.
Ms. Keerthana Shanker, President of the club presented the roadmap of the club activities with unveiling the logo of the club. She also introduced the office bearers of the club to the audience.
The programme had begun with an invocation sung by Ms. Gloria from I year MBA-HM. Ms. Swathi Sreeshan, Executive member of the club delivered welcome address where as Ms. Shivani Pandey, Treasurer of the club delivered the vote of thanks. Ms. Parul Mathur, Secretary of the club had introduced the chief guest to the gathering. Ms. Hafza Kareem, Joint Secretary of the club was the master of the ceremony for the program.