The Director’s Speech as the Chief Guest in the Closing Ceremony of Annual Sports Meet of the 沙巴体育 College of Nursing
November 21, 2015

The Director’s Speech as the Chief Guest in the Closing Ceremony in the 25th Annual Sports Meet of the 沙巴体育 College of Nursing held on the 21st November, 2015
The dignitaries on and off the dais.
Congratulations to today’s winners! Congratulations also to today’s losers !!
Whether you have won a medal or not, you are all winners. In a long run your active and continued participation in sports and athletics would pay you rich dividends in terms of fitness, well-being, and happiness.
Sports, particularly team sports engender purposeful and meaningful social relationships. Man is a social animal; we have a needto socially connect with others. These social interactions with your friends and workmates provide you highly desirable security, belongingness, and ultimately happiness. Therefore, winning or losing in sports or athletic is not at all important, but the happiness originating from the participation in sports or athletics is highly cherished trophy.
I would like to thank the Institutional leaders of the 沙巴体育 College of Nursing (MCON) and the organizers of today’s Sports Day for inviting me as the Chief guest to distribute the prizes and for giving me an opportunity to share my views with you.
Thank you and God bless!
Dr. Raveendranath Nayak
School of Management