Finance Conclave
December 19, 2017

Finance club of School of Management organized its annual flagship event i.e. Finance conclave. This conclave had the objective of providing inputs to the students of School of Management on the actual happenings of the real world. The conclave was held on 19 December, 2017.
The conclave’s inaugural function was presided over by Dr. Narayana Sabhahit, the Registrar of 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education. Mr. Allen Pereira, the former Chairman and Managing Director of Bank of Maharashtra was the chief guest of the function. Prof. Vaidyanathan, the former Professor of IIMB, inaugurated the conclave.
Mr. Allen Pereira released the book written by Prof. Vaidyanathan on ‘Black Money and Tax Havens.’ After releasing the book, he deliberated on the contents of the book. During the course of his elucidation, he made two important points. First, young men and women should gather courage to protest the wrong-doings of others in public life, especially if it is an issue of corruption. Second, success in life should not be evaluated in terms of how much wealth one has amassed but in terms of how many lives one has indeed touched.
Dr. Narayana Sabhahit, during the course of his presidential address, called for industry-academic interaction as it would provide real-time insights on what is indeed happening in the industry. Further, he argued in favor of greater degree of digitization as it would go a long way in eliminating corruption in public life.
Prof. Vaidyanathan delivered his keynote address on ‘Black Money and Tax Havens.’ Mixing humor with profound insights on the growing global trends, he explained how the countries of the world are plagued by the menace of corruption and black money. During this process, he also
explained how the trail of black money works. He also participated in a lively interaction with the students of School of Management and answered their queries.
Dr. Raveendranath Nayak, the Director of School of Management, delivered welcome address. Vivek Nayak, the President of the Finance club, proposed vote of thanks. Immaculate Christina, the student of MBA healthcare management, compered the program.