The Term End and Christmas celebration was conducted by School of Management, 沙巴体育
December 19, 2016

The Term End and Christmas celebration was conducted by School of Management, 沙巴体育, on the 19th of December, 2017. The chief guest of the day was Reverend Doctor Father Lawrence Dsouza, Direcotr of Catholic Education Society of Udupi and Dr. Raveendranath Nayak, Director of School of Management
The program started with a prayer to invoke the blessing of God. It was then followed by a welcome speech by Ms. Frency Cornelio. The chief guest, The director and the faculty of SOM then proceeded to cut the Christmas cake, as a mark of beginning the Christmas celebration. The director then gave his address to the gathering, wherein he spoke about the initiative “joy of gifting”, and spoke and requested all students to be a part of this noble cause. There was a brief introduction of our chief guest, followed by the address of the chief guest. Father Lawrence spoke about the true meaning of Christmas, and how we as people need to be grateful for everything that we have, and give back to society. He also said that Christmas is not just about colours, baubles, Santa Claus, but rather it is the season of love, gifting joy and peace. He gave a general blessing to all the students for their upcoming exams.
Following the address, the students of the Christmas committee performed a beautiful set of English, Konkani and Malayalam Christmas carols. It was then followed by an entertaining dance by the students of School of Management.