Industrial Visit to ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd
October 30, 2018

The School of Management, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 organised an Industrial Visit at ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd. for I year and II year MBA students on 30th October 2018. The students received a warm welcome at OMPL by HR Manager Mrs. Vidya Mallaya, who played a key role in arranging interactive sessions and plant visit. Four interactive session were held by operations manager Mr. Pradeep, marketing manager Mr. Rithik, finance manager Mr. Harish Shetty and HR manager Mrs. Vidya Mallaya and DGM HR Mr. Jaideep Ghosh. This was followed by the plant visit where actual production was taking place and Technical manager Mr. Prashant Kulkarni explained the process of production of Paraxylene and benzene. Mr. Balamurugan, Manager-Safety, briefed the safety measures taken at OMPL to safeguard the employees and neighbouring areas.The students learnt about various managerial functions and knew about the manufacturing process of Paraxylene and benzene, and gained practical knowledge about the handling of the raw materials having different characteristics and properties, plant operations capacity, quality control practices, marketing strategies, supply chain and logistics management and HR practices. The students also learnt about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects being undertaken by the company.