Farewell to Mr. Gururaj Acharya, Library Staff, School of Management
October 01, 2016

Mr. Gururaj Acharya, Library staff, School of Management retired from active service after a long career spanning 27 years in 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education on which 17 years was in SOM. A farewell ceremony was organized by the staff to felicitate him for his outstanding services rendered to the institute. Dr. Raveendranath Nayak presided over the function. Welcome speech was given by Ms. Ushalatha, Librarian SOM. Dr. Varambally and Dr. Lakshminarayanan shared their memories and experience of working with him. They applauded his deep sense of dedication and sincerity. Mr. Gururaj was felicitated by Director Dr. Raveendranath Nayak, Dr. KVM Varambally and Mrs. Ushalatha by presenting customary shawl and gifts. Mrs. Divya Patil Proposed vote of thanks.?