Dining Decoded - Workshop held at WGSHA for teenagers

June 08, 2024

June 8, 2024: On June 8, 2024, we conducted the "Dining Decoded" workshop, specifically designed for teenagers aged 14 to 19. The half-day event aimed to teach essential dining etiquette, preparing participants for various social and professional dining situations. The session began with an icebreaker to set a comfortable and interactive atmosphere, followed by hands-on activities such as table setting, proper cutlery usage, and mealtime conversation skills. Emphasis was also placed on cultural considerations and respectful behavior when dining with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

The workshop's highlight was a real-time dining experience during lunch, where participants practiced their newly acquired skills under the guidance of facilitators. This interactive segment allowed r immediate feedback and correction, reinforcing the lessons learned. The session concluded with a Q&A and feedback segment, ensuring all participants' queries were addressed. Overall, "Dining Decoded" successfully equipped teenagers with the knowledge and confidence to navigate dining experiences with poise and grace, fostering social and professional development.