World diabetes day
November 18, 2016

Students from the Department of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS including two exchange students from University of Lille, France attended a camp in Karkala on the occasion of World Diabetes Day on November 14, 2016. They were accompanied by Dr MK Unnikrishnan, Professor and head and Dr Sreedharan, Associate professor from the Department of Pharmacy Practice. This camp was organized by Dr. Karthik Rao N in the TMA Pai Rotary Hospital at Karkala. The camp was aimed at providing awareness to diabetic patients in Karkala. A multidisciplinary team consisting of doctors, dieticians, clinical pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dentists and optometrists provided comprehensive care for the patients to help them control their condition in a better manner. Our students helped in organizing the camp along with providing clinical pharmacy services which involved diabetic counselling on medications and the disease. The students expressed “It was indeed an enriching experience working with healthcare workers from different departments for betterment of patient care”.