Report on Breast Feeding Week Celebration – August 1st to 7th 2017
沙巴体育 College of Nursing (MCON) 沙巴体育 observed World Breastfeeding Week from August 1st to 7th 2017 on the theme “Sustaining Breastfeeding: building alliances without conflicts of interest!”

Number of activities were organized for the nurses, ASHA workers, postnatal mothers and family members and the public. The theme focused on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for maternal and child health, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), nutrition, education, poverty, inclusive economic growth and reducing inequalities by 2030 through the three pillars to increase breastfeeding ie, protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding.
The objectives of World Breastfeeding Week 2017 were to:
? To galvanize support from all sectors of society and governments for protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding.
? To build alliances without conflicts of interest among concerned partners to strengthen policy and programme on breastfeeding and infant and young child feeding (IYCF).
? To mobilize action for protection, promotion and support to breastfeeding and appropriate infant and young child feeding practices.
The activities were planned based on the theme, action ideas and the objectives given by Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) to achieve sustainable development goals through protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding.?

Various activities planned and conducted based on the objectives are given below:
? Objective I: To galvanize support from all sectors of society and governments for protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding.
? Activity I: Awareness among the community:
To galvanize support and build an alliance locally with individuals and to sensitize on breastfeeding and nutrition issues in the community, the Department of Community Health Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing (MCON) 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education had conducted an awareness programme on exclusive breastfeeding. The programme was conducted at Malpe PHC for Anganwadi Teachers and ASHA workers on 27th July from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm and at Anganwadi Centre, Kidiyoor on 7th August 2017. Dr Shashidhara Y.N., HOD, Department of Community Health Nursing, MCON 沙巴体育, have explained in detail on the benefits of breastfeeding, importance of breastfeeding and composition of breast milk and various positions and attachment while feeding.?

This was followed by a talk and demonstration regarding positioning the baby, techniques of breastfeeding and expression of breast milk and management of breast conditions by Mrs. Ansuya, Assistant Professor, MCON 沙巴体育. Dr Raghavendra Hebbar Medical Officer, Malpe PHC emphasized the audience to update their knowledge by attending the programme and transform these information to the mothers in their practice area and also make sure that all mothers are practicing. Also, he requested the participants to counsel others in their community. The programme was attended by 36 Anganwadi Teachers & Eight ASHA workers and other team members of Malpe PHC.?
At Anganwadi Centre, Kidiyoor, a session on exclusive breastfeeding, physiology of breastfeeding, advantages to the child, mother, family and the society, different methods/ positions, latching, complementary feeding, artificial feeds and disadvantages were explained by Mrs. Manjula, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Community Health Nursing. A session on breast conditions and its management, inverted nipple and its management, breast milk expression, tips for the working mother on expressing breast milk was explained by Mrs. Reshma, Lecturer, Dept. of Community Health Nursing. A total of 25 participants including mothers and the ASHA workers participated in the program. The participants clarified their doubts and they have appreciated the effort taken by the department.?

The department also conducted a research project to enhance the knowledge of ASHA workers on exclusive breastfeeding. As part of the research activity, awareness programme was conducted for ASHA workers at Hirebettu, Pernankila, Hiriadka, Kukkehalli PHCs and Brahmavar and Hebri CHCs. About 86 ASHA workers participated from various Primary Health Centres and Community Health Centres of Udupi district.

? Objective II: To build alliances without conflicts of interest among concerned partners to strengthen policy and programme on breastfeeding and infant and young child feeding (IYCF).
Action Idea: Organise a seminar to sensitise employers and mothers on the provisions of revised Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017 and maternity rights in your area.
? Activity II: Educating the health professionals:
To sensitize the employers, and build an alliance to strengthen the policy and programme of breastfeeding, an educational program for the ward in charges and staff nurses of Dr. TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi was organized on 4th August 2017 at 2.15 pm. Dr. Maria Pais and Mrs. Sweety Fernandes, Assistant Professor, Dept. of OBG Nursing discussed on the theme: Sustaining breastfeeding, revised Maternity benefit act, early initiation of breast feeding, criteria for good attachment, nurses role in helping breast feeding, assessment and counselling skills for health workers. The session used discussion, demonstration and a video technique related to breast feeding. Total 16 staff nurses from various wards attended the session. The nurses were motivated to follow the breastfeeding policy and reinforce to their colleagues. ?

Dr. Sonia RB D’Souza, Associate Professor, Dept. of OBG Nursing, Mrs. Binu Margaret, Mrs. Anjalin D’Souza, Mrs. Sangeetha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, of 沙巴体育 College of Nursing reinforced 45 staff nurses of Kasturba Hospital 沙巴体育 on the theme, “Sustaining Breast feeding Together” on 3rd and 4th August 2017. The points highlighted were: revised Maternity benefit act, importance of breast feeding in achieving the sustainable goals, early initiation of breastfeeding, importance of attachment and positioning in the success of breastfeeding, nurse’s role in building the confidence of the mothers and supporting mothers in the breastfeeding. It was emphasized to transfer the information what they have learnt to the others nurses and encourage mothers to continue breast feeding.

? Activity III: Promote and use ‘Stanpan Suraksha’ mobile App among alliance partners to inappropriate promotion of baby foods
Staff nurses of Kasturba hospital 沙巴体育 and Udupi were sensitized regarding the Stanpan Suraksha mobile app while giving awareness programme. The staff nurse agreed to go through the mobile app, use its features and report inappropriate promotion of baby foods.
? Objective III: To mobilize action for protection, promotion and support to breastfeeding and appropriate infant and young child feeding practices.
? Activity IV: Awareness programme on “Breastfeeding” for mothers and caregivers:
An interactive health education session on “Breast feeding, positioning technique and its importance” to the mothers and caregivers of premature babies admitted in NICU of Kasturba Hospital 沙巴体育 was conducted on 7th of August 2017 by Mrs. Yashoda Sathish, Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing. Mothers were educated on the breast feeding the premature babies, physiology of lactation, how breast milk works, latching Vs. bonding, positions, care of breast before and after feed, contents of breast milk, expressing breast milk, difficulties encountered and its treatment, nutrition for mother and advantages of breast feeding to the mother and baby. Eight mothers and their family members actively participated in this session and benefitted out of teaching. Concerns of the mothers were clarified during the session.?

An awareness programme on “Breast feeding” was conducted on 2nd August, 2017 to 21 antenatal and postnatal mothers of Dr.TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi. Mrs. Anasuya Prabhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing and Mrs. Shobha, Lecturer, Dept. of OBG Nursing educated the antenatal and postnatal mothers regarding breast feeding, its importance, techniques, methods, benefits, hunger cues, breast massage, expression of breast milk and its storage. Mothers were benefited by this awareness programme. Feedback about this programme was taken from the mothers and mothers mentioned it was very useful and informative session. ?
? Activity V: Community awareness through social media:
To bring awareness among the public, a newspaper article on “Breast feeding is the best feeding for the baby” was published in ‘Udayavani’ Kannada daily newspaper on 30th July 2017. This article was written by Dr. Maria Pais Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育. The main emphasize of the article was on the importance of breast feeding, breastfeeding technique and its advantages to mother, baby and the society.?

? Activity VI: Talk in Radio FM-90.4 :
To promote awareness among the public, a talk in English and Kannada was delivered by 2nd Year MSc Nursing students of 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 on the theme “Sustaining Breast feeding Together”. The session highlighted the importance of early initiation of breast feeding, exclusive breastfeeding for six months, continuing breastfeeding till two years, avoiding formulae feeds and its disadvantages, positioning and attachment, expression and storage of breast milk. The programme was broadcasted on 7th & 8th August, 2017 at Radio FM 90.4 MHz. ?

Activity VII: Broadcast in All India Radio, Mangalore FM-100.3 :
For creating awareness among the local people of the public, Mrs. Yashoda Sathish, Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, gave an interview on “ Breast feeding and its importance” in the local language in All India Radio station. It was broadcasted from 1st to 7th August 2017 in All India Radio Mangalore, FM-100.3.

Action Idea: Promote peer counselling support model for increasing breastfeeding rates.
? Activity VIII: Peer Counselling:
To enhance peer support for breastfeeding and encourage peer counselling, a training session on breast feeding, its importance and how to promote breast feeding in family and community was taken by Mrs Yashoda Sathish and Mrs. Binu Margaret for women of Srisakthi group, Udupi on 6th August 2017. Eight mothers participated in the session and showed their interest to counsel other mothers on the importance of breast feeding and the positioning techniques. The session was interactive and the mothers appreciated the initiative and were willing to do peer counselling.?

Activity IX: Lactation counselling
Lactational counselling was given to 32 postnatal mothers (and their relatives) those who were admitted in postnatal wards of Kasturba Hospital 沙巴体育 from 02.08.2017 to 05.08.2017 by Mrs. Prathiba and Mrs. Ranjani, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing. Situation analysis was done to all the mothers before giving lactational counselling. During counselling session, the main focus was on early initiation of feeding, exclusive breast feeding, demand feeding, hunger cues, techniques of feeding and burping the baby, signs of effective breast feeding, benefits to the mother and baby, minor ailments of breast and management during postnatal period.
The one week event was organized by the faculty and II MSc Nursing students of Department of Child Health Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing and Community Health Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 and coordinated by Mrs. Binu Margaret, Dr Baby S Nayak, Mrs. Shobha and Mrs. Anusuya.?