Report on World Hand Hygiene Day 2024
May 08, 2024
The Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, observed World Hand Hygiene Day on May 6, 2024. The theme for the year 2024 is Accelerate Action Together; SAVE LIVES – Clean Your Hands. Considering the theme for the year, the faculty and Semester 2 Basic Nursing students organized an awareness session on the importance of infection control in hospitals and the steps to be followed for hand hygiene for the nursing aides in Goretti Hospital, Santhekatte, Udupi. The students explained the importance of infection control, the indications of when a healthcare professional must wash their hands, and the waste management practices being followed in the hospital. Then, the steps of hand hygiene were explained and demonstrated. The students presented the steps of hand hygiene in the form of a dance to involve the participants. The audience then demonstrated the procedure and expressed their understanding of the importance of hand hygiene. The students also interacted with the old age residents in the hospital and showed them the dance of performing hand hygiene.
A total of 25 participants benefitted from the session. Ms. Mitchelle S Lewis, Lecturer, Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, coordinated the program. The activity is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality Education, to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.