Newborn Week
The faculty and students of OBG and Child health nursing department, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 had organised a NEW BORN WEEK from 13th to 19th of November 2014 around the theme “Care of Sick Child in community".
November 20, 2014

WHO/MCA initiated the development of the materials?Caring for the sick child in the community, to increase access to essential health services and meet demands of countries for materials and thereby to train community health workers in the context of the IMCI strategy and make our health system equipped for health care maintenance of newborn thus reducing the rate of newborn mortality in India. Neonatal mortality rate is one of the areas of major concern and is increasing day by day, though to some extent treatable only if managed at appropriate time. In this concept the health can pays an important role through the early the assessment and treatment with variety of approaches.
Spanning over full one week activities, around four activities were planned and organised as follows:
On 13th November 2014, an exhibition was organised. The ceremony was inaugurated by Chief Guest Dr.Leslie Lewis, HOD of Neonatology, Kasturba Hospital. In his address he stressed on concerned areas which leads to Neonatal Mortality i.e. Septicaemia, Neonatal Infection, Pneumonia, Hyperbilirubinia and Diarrhoea and also emphasized on early detection, treatment and prevention and with this newborn week was declared open.
The other dignitaries present were Dr. Judith Noronha, Associate Dean MCON; Dr. Shashidharan, Professor Community Health Nursing Department; Dr. Mamatha S Pai, HOD and Professor of Child health Nursing Department; Dr.Sonia D’Souza, Associate Professor OBG department, Mrs. Anjalin D’Souza and various other faculty were present. Around 80 – 100 students, staff and mothers participated where sessions were conducted in form of stations. The first station was on Expressed Breast Milk taken by Ms. Anju Philip, Next station was on Exclusive Breast Feeding taken by Ms. Lida Mathew, third Station was on Hyperbilirubinemia Management and Phototherapy was taken by Ms. Tanya Bera , last station being Radiant Warmer and Incubator Care? taken by Ms. Ananya Das and later in the evening around 30 -40 students participated.
On the 3rd day, 15th November 2014, a Preliminary quiz was organised for students of P.B.BSc (N) and B.Sc (N) 3rd and 4th year. Ms. Anjali Gupta and Ms. Meril Thomas were quiz masters. MCQ type questions related to previous day exhibition cum session were given. Around 50 students participated and out of them 12 high scorers were selected for Final quiz round.
On day 6th i.e. 18th November 2014, health education cum exhibition was organised for mothers of new borns from morning 10am to 12:30 pm and 3pm to 5pm at NICU Classroom and Postnatal ward.
Around 30 – 40 mothers participated. Here the major areas stressed were Exclusive Breast feeding, Expressed Breast Milk, Minor Disorders of neonates and common machines used for neonates were discussed which involved Radiant warmer, Phototherapy and Incubator. Sessions were carried out by Ms. Akshatha Nayak, Ms. Edle Fernandes, Ms. Edline Mathias and Ms. Amika Sherene Lobo.
On the 19th?of November 2014, Final Quiz was conducted among 12 students selected form preliminary round. The quiz consisted of four rounds which involves General Knowledge on newborn care, Identification round, Essential Newborn care round and Rapid fire round’s. Pratiti Haldar was Quiz Master. The 12 students were divided into group of four. First prize was bagged by ?Ms.Renisha Priya D’souza, Ms. Anitha D’souza and Ms. Josrita Vinisha D’mello and second prize by ?Ms. Lorita Carol Fernandes, Ms. Priyal Jovita Noronha and Ms. Madeleine .
With this the newborn week was then declared closed with a vote of thanks.
Mrs. Sushmitha Karkada, Assistant Professor, Dr. Sonia D’souza Associate Professor Department of OBG Nursing and MS. Anjaline D’souza and Dr. Baby S Nayak Department of Child health nursing coordinated the entire event.