August 18, 2023
沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育 celebrated ‘Antiragging week’ from 12th-18th August 2023 as per the directives of the University Grants Commission. On 3rd August 2023, the newly joined students of first year BSc Nursing were made aware of the antiragging strategies followed at MCON, and the short films available on the UGC website were made known to the students and encouraged them to view those for sensitizing them to the need for healthy atmosphere for fostering learning and making MAHE a campus free of ragging.
The students and faculty of MCON were encouraged to participate in various activities such as Essay writing, Slogan writing, Logo making, and Poster designing competitions.
The antiragging squad of MCON is making regular surprise visits to the hostels. Also, all the students are made to sign an affidavit at the time of admission to the college as well as the signing of an affidavit is ensured by every senior batch student stating that he/she will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be construed as ragging under clause 3 of the UGC Regulations and if found guilty of ragging, are liable for punishment according to the clause 9.1 of the UGC Regulations.
The posters detailing the possible punishments for those found guilty of ragging are displayed on every class noticeboard and also in the hostels. Also, it has been read out for the new joiners during the orientation.
The activities were coordinated by Dr. Melita Sheilini, Asst. Professor-Selection grade, and the Chairperson of Antiragging squad, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育.