Guest lecture on the topic “Lucy Letby: A Nightmare Horror.”
January 25, 2024
Dr. Toni Bewley, a senior teaching fellow?at Edgehill University, UK, and an adjunct faculty of 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, delivered a talk for 4th year BSc Nursing students on the topic of Lucy Letby: A Nightmare Horror on January 15,?2024, at 3:00 PM.?
In her talk, she narrated about Lucy Letby, a British former neonatal nurse who gained notoriety for being convicted as a serial killer. In 2023, she was found guilty of murdering seven infants under her care between 2015 and 2016. Letby's crimes shocked the nation, as she was entrusted with the well-being of newborns in her role as a neonatal nurse. Narrating this incident, Dr. Toni said nurses must be the guardian angels for the patients. As nurses, we need to speak up when things go wrong. She also mentioned that people will lose trust in nurses with such incidents. It's our responsibility to be patient advocates and provide safe care wherever we practice. A total of 78 students attended this session.
This session contributed to achieving the following SDGs:
SDG 4: Quality Education?
