Guest Lecture on Substance Abuse
August 04, 2023
The Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, 沙巴体育 organized a guest lecture on "Substance Abuse" on 3rd August 2023 for an hour to create awareness and sensitize the new batch of BSc Nursing students to the good and bad aspects of drug use. The session caters to the sustainable development goal focusing on good health and well-being (SDG 3), specific to SDG Target 3.5, Substance abuse: Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol. Dr Binil V, Associate Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, was the session’s speaker.
The speaker highlighted the importance of drug use among the recent Z generation and how they are exposed to information much faster. He also said substance abuse works in the following line of action "Use-Abuse-Dependence". He added that substance use occurs due to changing cultural values, student competition, economic barriers, and declining relationships. He explained how the reward pathways get activated in the people who use substances, leading to addiction.
He further added the warning signs, the signs and symptoms, and the behavioural warnings in a person using the substances and encouraged the students to speak to the teacher guardians, or counsellors if they find difficulty in coping or even identify anyone who needs help so that timely intervention can be offered.
He concluded the session by advising them to learn to deal with life's pressures, not to give in to peer pressure, to develop close family ties, healthy habits, and, more importantly, to ask for help.
The session ended at 1:00 PM with the speaker interacting with the students to identify some substance use myths and facts. The session concluded with motivational messages and slogans, including "You will never succeed with Drugs".