Report on Guest Lecture for “Deeksharambha”
August 08, 2023
The Department of Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing (OBG Nursing), 沙巴体育 College of Nursing (MCON), 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) organized a guest lecture on the “Trust, Respect and Glory” on the occasion of Deeksharambha which is linked to the SDG goal 16(Promote peaceful and inclusive societies). The session was deliberated by Mr. Renjulal Yashodharan, Assistant Professor (Sr Scale), Department of Mental Health Nursing, MCON, MAHE, 沙巴体育, who is also an alumnus of MCON, he stated that “trust is the core for any friendship and requested to make their first line of trust in their teachers when they are away from home, he even explained about five different types of trust in friendship which students need to be aware of”. A total of 134 beneficiaries attended the program from 1st Year BSc Nursing and Post Basic BSc nursing students MCON, MAHE, 沙巴体育. Students benefitted from the session and participated enthusiastically.