Observation of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
September 24, 2022
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM) is recognized?every September by childhood cancer organizations around the world. As part of this event, the department of Child Health (Pediatric) Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育 organized a guest lecture on ‘Childhood Cancers’ for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students. Dr. Vasudeva Bhat K, Associate Professor & Incharge Head, Department of Hematology & Oncology, Kasturba Medical College, 沙巴体育 was the speaker.
During his deliberation, Dr. Bhat gave a brief note on facts & figures, myths, causes, types, and warning signs of childhood cancer. He emphasized the importance of a team approach to provide holistic care to cancer children. He also mentioned the significant role of nurses in providing comprehensive care to children and also in meeting the psychological needs of the caregivers. He also showed glimpses of ‘Accesslife’, the free accommodation facility provided by MAHE for parents and cancer-affected children, which was well-appreciated by the audience. A total of 102 students (III BSc – 78, I PBBSc – 22, II MSc Nursing - 2) and six faculty attended the session. Dr. Baby S Nayak, Professor & Head, and Ms. Sheela Shetty, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Child Health Nursing coordinated the program.?