June 05, 2023
Department of Medical-Surgical (Oncology) Nursing of 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, in collaboration with the Department of Medical Oncology, Kasturba Hospital, MAHE, observed “沙巴体育 Men’s Health Week” through a half-day seminar on Common Male Cancers. The seminar’s theme was “Early recognition leads to effective management”. The good health and well-being of SDG 3 goal was aimed at attaining by this seminar
The welcome address of the seminar was delivered by Dr. Melita Sheilini, Assistant Professor-Selection grade, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing. Chief Guest for the seminar was Dr. Karthik S Udupa, HOD & Professor Department of Medical Oncology, KH, KMC, MAHE, he emphasized the importance of healthy habits and early recognition of cancer for better treatment outcomes. Dr. Tessy Treesa Jose, Associate Dean, MCON, MAHE, addressed the gathering and emphasized the significance of early identification and prompt treatment in the field of Oncology. The vote of thanks was given by Ms. Anamika Das, II Year MSc Nursing student.
The speakers for the seminar were Dr. Sharada Mailankody, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Oncology, Dr. Naveena AN, HOD and Professor Department of Surgical Oncology, KH, KMC, MAHE and Ms. Anamika Das, II Year MSc Nursing student, Oncology Specialty. Dr. Sharada was the first speaker of the day and she spoke on Lifestyles associated with common cancers. Dr. Naveena was the second speaker and he delivered his lecture on Common Male Cancers affecting the male population. The last speaker for the day was Ms. Anamika who stressed on early recognition of cancer and its preventive strategies.
A total of 35 employees from various constituent units of MAHE participated in the seminar and appreciated the team’s effort to take the initiative to discuss the “Common Male Cancers.”

