Workshop on Qualitative 沙巴体育 Methods & Analysis July 8-10, 2019

July 12, 2019

沙巴体育 College of Nursing, 沙巴体育 in collaboration with SAMARTH – an NGO focused on social science research & training organised three days’ Workshop on ‘Qualitative 沙巴体育 Methods & Analysis’ from July 8 – 10, 2019 at MCON 沙巴体育. Dr Anice George, Dean, MCON, 沙巴体育 briefed the participants about the workshop & welcomed the Resource persons.

Dr. Shuba Kumar, Social Scientist and Dr Rani Mohanraj, Psychologist & Founder Members of SAMARTH, Chennai were the Resource Persons for the workshop.

The highlights of the workshop were: Understanding the basics & methodological aspects of Qualitative 沙巴体育, various sampling techniques that can be adapted, approaches and analysis, including coding & developing themes. Every session was followed by a group activity, where participants actively involved in forming Focus Group Discussion, Inductive & Deductive approaches of analysis.

A total of 55 participants, from MCON, constituent units of MAHE, and from other Nursing colleges from Gujarat, Mangalore & Kerala enthusiastically participated in the workshop and got benefitted.