MAHE-UNB Dual Degree Program in Nursing - Orientation Program Report
September 23, 2022
The orientation programme for the MAHE-UNB Dual degree BSc Nursing Programme was held on September 22, 2022, at 3:30 (IST) through an online platform. Orientation was given to all those students who have enrolled for the MAHE-UNB Dual Degree Programme for the academic year 2022-23. Dr Judith A Noronha, Dean, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, 沙巴体育 gave a warm welcome to all and briefed them about the programme. Faculty Introduction and interaction were led by Dr Lorna Butler, Dean & Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick (UNB), Canada. She gave brief details on UNB and also introduced the faculty members who are involved in teaching the students who are enrolled on the MAHE-UNB programme. Prof. Jessica Webster, Teaching Professor Faculty of Nursing, UNB gave a brief outline of the modules that will be incorporated into the BSc Nursing Semester Curriculum. Prof. Stephen Van Slyke, Teaching Professor, Faculty of Nursing, UNB shared his experience regarding classroom and clinical teaching and also the use of simulation in teaching. Prof. Jessica & Prof. Stephen shared the details of the modules that will be implemented and the significance of learning those modules as part of the dual degree program. Dr Karen Ursel, Teaching Professor, Faculty of Nursing, UNB briefed on the Canadian culture and the importance of the clinical judgement model.
Students introduced themselves to all gathered virtually. Students sought clarifications on the Dual Degree programme through Q & A sessions. The orientation programme was concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr Linu Sara George, Prof. & Head, Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, MCON, 沙巴体育, and also the MAHE-UNB Dual Degree Programme Coordinator.