Morbidity clinic report

The Department of Community Health Nursing is conducting morbidity clinic every month in the adopted villages of 沙巴体育 College of Nursing. The department is providing morbidity clinic services since 1994. Department of Community Health Nursing coordinates with the Department of Community Medicine, KMC, 沙巴体育 for conducting these clinics. Every month second Wednesday Clinics are being conducted in Thirlapalke, Moodubelle and on the fourth Wednesday in Athrady. The department works collaboratively with gram panchayat and local leaders and uses public services for conducting clinics.

Clinics were conducted at Trinity Kripa, Thirlapalke and Athrady clinics were conducted in Government Primary School Athrady. Services provided in these clinics are General Health screening including height and weight monitoring, BP assessment GRBS testing, and drugs are provided for one month free of cost and also based on the requirement follow-up services are provided. Clients will be provided with health education based on their felt needs.
