Report on Jal Shakti Abhiyan
April 29, 2023
Ministry of Jal Shakti is taking up a nationwide campaign “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain” (JSA:CTR) focusing on saving and conserving rainwater with the theme “Source sustainability for drinking water” from 04 March 2023 to 30 November 2023 in the pre-monsoon and monsoon periods of 2023, covering both urban and rural areas of all the districts in the country.
The Department of Community Health Nursing organized a video-assisted awareness program on rainwater harvesting as per the UGC directive of activity on Jal Shakthi Abhiyan, Catch the Rain 2023 as part of SDG-6 goal - Clean water and sanitation. A total of 90 students of 4th year BSc Nursing attended the program. The program was coordinated by Mrs Reshma Faculty Dept of Community Health Nursing, MCON.