沙巴体育 Conference on Global challenges in health care
沙巴体育 Conference on ‘Global Challenges in Health Care’ was organized by 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育, a constituent Unit of 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education on 16th and 17th February 2018 at the Dr. T.M.A. Pai Auditorium, as the part of silver jubilee celebration of MAHE.
Dr H S Ballal, Pro-Chancellor, MAHE, inaugurated the event. In his inaugural speech, he stressed that Nursing fraternity plays an important role in the healthcare as nurses spend most of the time with the patients and reputation of any hospital is illustrated by nursing care. He said, in the present 21st century, the patient demography is changing, where lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension, which are the silent killers are increasing, which could be prevented or delayed. In our country, private sectors play an important role in the delivery of healthcare. Along with the advances in technology, the cost of health care also has increased enormously. It is imperative that we provide adequate health care to the rural population. Complementing the 沙巴体育 College of Nursing for organizing such an important conference, he said this could change the face of health care concerns of our country.
Dr Judith A Noronha, Associate Dean, welcomed the gathering, Dr Elsa Sanatombi Devi gave an overview of the Conference, Dr Jyothi Chakrabarty delivered the vote of thanks. The Conference was adorned by Heads of the constituent units of MAHE and a total of 228 delegates from National and 沙巴体育 Academia and clinical arena participated in the conference.

The conference received a large number of research papers for presentations. It was a privilege to release textbook of Pediatric Critical Care Nursing, and 沙巴体育 Manual of Drugs, Contraceptives and Instruments in Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing by the department of Child Health Nursing and Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing respectively.
The First-day plenary session with Oration on challenges in current leadership was delivered by Dr Jothi Clara J Micheal, Chief Clinical Governance Officer, Kauvery Hospital Group (Corporate), in memory of the Founder Dean, Late Prof. P P Bhanumathi. She began her session recollecting her association with Prof. P P Bhanumathi, a leader on whom we can look upon as a role model and imbibe her special qualities. She highlighted the qualities of a good leader and briefed on Nursing in India today with the challenges faced. Talking on the work culture, she questioned whether nursing professionals are responsibility oriented or accountability oriented? She stressed the importance of preparing nursing students with strategical approach, where they perform with accountability so that they are ready to face the tomorrow’s healthcare confidently. In Conclusion, Dr Clara said Nursing has many directions, many opportunities on reserve in India. It is in our hands to choose the best for the benefit of our profession and for our consumers, our journey should continue taking roads which are not taken!!. It’s our profession! Let us own it! Use opportunities to change it for the better!. This session was moderated by Dr Linu Sara George, Professor and Head, Department of Fundamental of Nursing, MCON.
Mr Prabhath M Kalkura, Project Officer, IDF, MSOAHS, MAHE spoke on unequal access, poor quality care, and rising cost – A risen concern in India. Elaborating the Indian statistics of the healthcare sector, he emphasized on the burden of diseases in the new millennium. Even though there is an improvement in the health care delivery in the country, a disparity exists between urban and rural. Healthcare expenditure discourages seeking treatment by public hence he stressed the importance of health insurance to meet the rising healthcare cost. Dr Suja Karkada Asst. Professor & HoD Fundamentals & Administration, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, moderated this session.
Session on Technology in health care – a forum for change through evidence-based practice was deliberated by Dr. Baby S Nayak, Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, MCON. Highlighting the importance of technology in health care, she said technology is not an option rather a requirement in the hospital. Dr Baby emphasized the need of evidence-based practice in patient care. Discussed the components, levels, strength of evidence-based practice and how to generate the evidence for best practice to bring change in the clinical practice. The session was moderated by Dr Neeta Kamath, Associate Professor, Nitte Usha Institute of Nursing Sciences, Mangalore.
In the afternoon, a session on, Challenges in global healthcare delivery and creative solution – Private sector, was conducted by Dr Anand Venugopal, Regional Chief – Clinical Services, Medical Superintendent, KMC Hospital, Mangalore. He expressed that there are technological challenges such as flood of data, federal HIPAA private requirements, limited data storage capacity, lack of communication among healthcare system, increasing costs of IT-enabled functions in healthcare. Rising cost, Political and legal aspects, human resource management, lack of access to basic health care services and management of emerging diseases are the major challenges in health care. He discussed some creative solutions such as focus on quality, client-centered care, lab at the doorstep, home care delivery by the nurses, public-private partnership, telemedicine, insurance, and health schemes. He concluded saying we need to try to create a system to provide health care at affordable cost. The session was moderated by Dr Christopher Sudhaker, Professor, MCON & Deputy Director, Quality and Compliance, MAHE.
Innovation in health care is the need of the hour and the seed was laid by Dr Arun Shanbhag, Chief Innovation officer, MAHE, highlighting digitalization in health care which is a challenge for the common public. He shared some of the elements of great innovation like scanning the environment, focus on the end user and find solution for the problem. Inspired the young minds to do inter-disciplinary innovation in health care. The session was moderated by Dr Elsa Sanatombi Devi, HoD, Medical Surgical Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing.
Road map to nurse practitioner by Dr Angela Gnanadurai, Principal, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Thrissur, Kerala was the last session of the day. She said Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care is started in India hence we need to make a platform for measuring the outcome of the program. She emphasized on the key components of the Nurse Practitioners and the strategies for success in NP program. The session was moderated by Dr Tessy Treesa Jose, HoD, Mental Health Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing.
After the sessions on the first day of the conference, students of MCON and the participants of the conference exhibited their talents in the cultural program.
Second day of the Conference, was started with an oration on advances and challenges in research and development in India by Dr Assuma Beevi TM, Joint Director, MIMS Academy, Principal, MIMS College of Nursing, Kozhikode. This oration was in memory of Late Dr Aparna Bhaduri, who was the PG coordinator at MCON under whose guidance the MSc, MPhil and Ph.D. programs in Nursing were started. Dr Assuma emphasized the importance of Nursing research and how research can contribute to enhance patient care. She focused on the individual, institutional commitment and responsibilities on academia in promoting research for quality Nursing care. She took the participants through the challenges and how to overcome these challenges in research. The session was moderated by Dr Judith A Noronha, Associate Dean, MCON, MAHE
The second session was on Challenges in global healthcare delivery and creative solution – public sector by Dr Rohini, District, and Family welfare officer, Udupi district. She discussed on the core functions of the public health and health profile in Udupi District. Emphasized that delivery of qualitative healthcare service is considered a basic need irrespective of age, gender, and culture. Session was moderated by Sr. Jacintha D’Souza Principal Father Muller College of Nursing Mangalore.
Dementia- Global challenge session was taken by Ms Heidi Beutler, Geriatric Nurse, Hannover Germany. She discussed on sociological aspects, risk factors, initiatives and concerns of Dementia in European countries and India. Dr Shashidhara Y N Associate Professor & HoD Community Health Nursing MCON 沙巴体育, MAHE moderated the session.
Global Challenges in bridging the gap between Academia and clinical practice was deliberated by Dr Shyamala Kumar, Nursing Administrator, NMC Hospital, Dubai. She highlighted on the Nursing profession from global perspectives, emphasizing on competency assessment in clinical practice. She recommended for the patient empowered approach Based Practice as the most important way to clinical approach. The session was moderated by Prof. Joslin Mariet M, Principal, Koyili College of Nursing, Kannur.
Global Challenges in mother and child health – past, present and future was deliberated by Dr Suneel C Mundkur, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Kasturba Hospital, 沙巴体育. He spoke about the practices in the past, and the present as well as the future challenges in maternal and child health. He also addressed the various health problems in children. Dr Mamatha S Pai, Professor & HoD Child Health Nursing, MCON moderated the session.
The two days conference concluded with the valedictory function. Best research paper was awarded to Dr Sonia R B D’Souza, Dr Shejila C H and Dr Ramesh C. Award for the best posters were received by Dr Elsa Sanatombi Devi & Mr Anil Raj, Mrs Binu Margaret, Mr Binil V & Dr Christopher Sudhaker.